Race Preparation (Monday)

Run for 2 minutes/Skip High Knees for 2 Minutes then stop and do:
  • 10 Squats
  • 10 Push-ups
  • 10 Pull-Ups
  • 20 Mountain Climbers (Each)
  • 10 Lunges (Each)
  • 10 V-Ups
Do 10 rounds total, with little to no rest between rounds.

Muscular Strength (Tuesday)

Complete the Dynamic Warm-up.

15 Minute Rope Skip

Do 4 rounds of the following exercises, resting 30 seconds
between each (no rest between rounds):
  • 12 Moderate Height Box Jump (2 Boxes)
  • 12 Renegade Row with Push-up (Each)
  • 10 DB Step-up (Each)
  • 15 Pull Up
  • 20 Hanging Knees to Elbows
Endurance (Wednesday) Go for a 3 to 5 Mile Run

Active Recovery (Thursday) Ride a bike, use an elliptical or jog in a pool for 40 minutes.

Endurance (Wednesday)

Go for a 3 to 5 Mile Run

Active Recovery (Thursday)

Ride a bike, use an elliptical or jog in a pool for 40 minutes.

Metabolic Strength (Friday)

Complete the Dynamic Warm-up.

15 Minute Rope Skip

Do 60 seconds of each of the following exercises,
resting only 15 seconds between them:
  • Fast Feet on a box
  • Inchworm Push-up
  • Jump Lunge
  • DB/KB/Band Bent Over Row
  • Mountain Climber
  • Thruster
  • Speed Skater
  • Burpee
Do 5 rounds total, resting 2 minutes between rounds.

Endurance (Saturday)

Go for a 3 to 5 Mile Run

Active Recovery (Sunday)

Do some dynamic and static stretching to keep your muscles loose. A yoga class would be ideal.

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